prayerful will go back home now The group of drunks will return Evening Dancer One by one the crowd gathered. the way that is forgotten, What will happen to him! Or, those who never had a home What will happen to them? heard Many of them live in slums. sometimes I see in the paper, Slums are being razed for shopping mall projects. Well, the owners of these shopping malls Where does this money go when you die? Those who live in space say, Which way do they really go? What man on heaven's edge - Can one talk to another person? So why do people say, Then we will talk or meet at the gate of heaven. Those who travel on empty paths, When did they return home? I slowly think I know what- I will return home I will dive into childhood I will be me, think about myself. How many crazy people call me, I look crazy too! own condition 29/01/2023
A Tech Savvy and a Computer Engineer by profession.