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Here are some tips for getting projects as a newbie on Upwork

Create a comprehensive profile: Your profile is your first chance to make a good impression on potential clients. Make sure it includes a professional profile picture, a detailed description of your skills and experience, and samples of your work. Apply for relevant projects: Only apply for projects that you are confident you can complete to a high standard. Customize your proposal for each project and make sure it highlights your relevant skills and experience. Be responsive and professional: Respond promptly to any messages from clients and maintain a professional demeanor at all times. Build your portfolio: Take on smaller projects at first to build up your portfolio and gain positive reviews from clients. These positive reviews will make it easier for you to get larger projects in the future. Network and market yourself: Utilize social media and other networks to market yourself and make connections. Let people know what you can offer and what services you specialize in. Be open to

How to start Robotics from basic?

Start with the basics: Gain a strong understanding of mathematics, physics, and programming languages such as Python. Study Robotics Fundamentals: Learn about mechanics, kinematics, dynamics, control systems, sensors, and actuators. Practice hands-on projects: Participate in hobby projects or build simple robots using kits, such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Read and learn from reputable sources: Read books, articles, and tutorials from reputable sources to deepen your understanding. Join online communities: Join online forums, discussion groups, and communities to network with others, ask questions, and learn from experienced practitioners. Take online courses: Consider taking online courses and certification programs to gain a structured learning experience. Build a portfolio: As you, complete projects, document your work and build a portfolio that showcases your skills and achievements. Participate in Robotics competitions: Participating in robotics competitions is a great way to gain

How to be a good freelancer?

Develop a strong skillset and specialize in a specific area to stand out to potential clients. Build a professional and attractive portfolio showcasing your work and skills. Network and market yourself effectively through social media, freelancing platforms, and industry events. Communicate clearly and regularly with clients to establish trust and understanding of project expectations. Manage your time and prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines and deliver quality work. Continuously improve and expand your skills to stay current in the market and meet changing client needs. Set clear boundaries and manage your finances responsibly to ensure a sustainable freelance career. Seek feedback from clients and use it to improve your services and satisfaction. Maintain a positive and professional attitude, and be open to negotiation and collaboration.

How to start Programming with Zero knowledge?

  Starting programming with no prior knowledge can seem daunting, but with the right resources and determination, you can become a proficient programmer. Here are some steps to help you get started: Choose a programming language: There are many programming languages to choose from, each with its own strengths and uses. Some popular languages for beginners include Python, Scratch, and JavaScript. Get familiar with the basics: Start by learning the basic syntax and structure of your chosen programming language, including variables, data types, loops, and functions. Practice writing code: Once you've learned the basics, start practicing writing simple programs to get a feel for the language and solidify your understanding of the concepts. Use online resources: There are many online tutorials, forums, and resources available to help you learn to program. Some popular sites include Codecademy, Udemy, and Khan Academy. Build projects: Start working on small projects, such as creating a c

How to make CV for Freelancers?

  To create a freelancer CV, follow these steps: Start with a clear and concise headline that summarizes your skills and experience. Write a brief summary or objective that highlights your expertise, your niche, and what you can offer to potential clients. List your relevant work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. For each position, include the job title, company name, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements. Highlight your key skills and relevant software or tools you are proficient in. Add any relevant education, certifications, or training that may support your freelancing work. Mention any freelancing projects you have completed, including the project name, client name, and a brief description of the project. Add any relevant freelancing platforms or websites you use to find work and market your services. Add your contact information, including your full name, email, phone number, and Li

A new Poem.

The sky up above so blue and bright, A canvas painted with colors of light. With clouds that glide and dance so free, A symphony of nature, wild and free. The sun that rises, a new day begins, Bringing hope, joy, and warmth within. The birds that sing, their melodies sweet, A morning chorus, nature's own beat. The earth below, with life that grows, Trees that reach and flowers that glow. The rivers that run and oceans so vast, Nature's beauty, forever meant to last. So let us cherish this world we call home, And treat it with care, as it's our own. For nature's gifts, we should be grateful, And do our part, to keep it beautiful.

Own condition - BFA

  prayerful will go back home now The group of drunks will return Evening Dancer One by one the crowd gathered. the way that is forgotten, What will happen to him! Or, those who never had a home What will happen to them? heard Many of them live in slums. sometimes I see in the paper, Slums are being razed for shopping mall projects. Well, the owners of these shopping malls Where does this money go when you die? Those who live in space say, Which way do they really go? What man on heaven's edge - Can one talk to another person? So why do people say, Then we will talk or meet at the gate of heaven. Those who travel on empty paths, When did they return home? I slowly think I know what- I will return home I will dive into childhood I will be me, think about myself. How many crazy people call me, I look crazy too! own condition 29/01/2023