Are you a Mobile Addict person? You should follow these steps - আপনি কি একজন মোবাইল আসক্ত ব্যক্তি? আপনার এই পদক্ষেপ অনুসরণ করা উচিত
To overcome mobile addiction, follow these tips: 1. Identify your mobile addiction: Recognize the negative impact excessive mobile phone use has on your life. Understanding the problem is crucial for effective solutions. 2. Set SMART goals: Create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals to reduce mobile phone usage. This clarity helps you stay focused and track progress. 3. Monitor your mobile usage: Utilize mobile apps or features to track the time you spend on different apps or websites. This data will provide insights into your usage patterns and highlight areas for improvement. 4. Establish a schedule: Develop a structured routine that includes designated phone usage times. Set aside specific periods each day for focused phone use and allocate other times for non-phone activities. 5. Designate phone-free zones: Determine specific areas, such as your bedroom or dining table, as no-phone zones. By keeping your phone out of sight, you'll reduce the temptat...